Trigger Positioning

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After shortening my trigger pull (more on that here) the trigger now releases the hammer further forward in the triggers movement than it did stock. So I moved the engagement, and release point of the hammer further back in the trigger pull. This can be done by removing metal from the point at which the trigger bar (part 260) engages the hammer.

I started by putting a piece of tap on the bottom of the trigger guard to keep track of the point at which the trigger engages the hammer. The first pic, shows the trigger at rest, and the next where you start feeling the hammer spring tension.

click to enlarge

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Here you can see the modified part (top) and an original trigger bar. The red arrow is where metal was removed.

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I started with the width of the rear "tab" that is "bent" over being .223 inches, and ended up with a width of .153. Your measurements may be different, so don't rely on mine. You also may want a different release point than I have. I set mine so that it released at the stock location (which I know because I did not adjust my over travel stop that I made before the shortening of the pull). You could go all the way so that the release point is right before the trigger contacts the grip, but I did not want it that far back.

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Now this gave me a large amount of pretravel, so I added a pretravel stop